Friday 3 December 2010

best friend

Baru baru ni aku minat kat 1 group d jepun..iaitu NEWS...cerita b'mula apabila aku x sengaja download lagu weeeek dan best friend...kedua dua nye sgt sedap...dgn lirik yg meaningful...esp lirik best friend...liriknyer same dgn kehidupan decide nk share translation lirik nie dgn korang...

Best friend

we'd get exicited over stupid stuff
and before I knew it,
we'd laughed til morning

we're supposedly adults now,
but nothing's changed

You are my best friend
It's embarrassing,
so I can never say THANK YOU
This isn't anyplace special
But I want to stay here forever

the streets where we grew up
have changed since those days

But as the seasons pass
Please don't ever change

You're my best friend
Sometimes we fight over little things
But the more we engage each other
The more we understand each other

I'm sure I'll never say it out loud
But the truth is
When I'm wih you
Is when my heart is warmest

You are my best friend
It's embarrassing,
so I can never say THANK YOU
This isn't anyplace special
But I want to stay here forever

You are my best friend
We are never alone
You're the only one who shows me casual kindness

aku mengaku..kadang2 aku malu nk ucap terima kasih..
terima kasih kawan....

1 comment:

  1. terima kasih kawan....terima kasih kerana menerima diri nie sebagai kawan....
    terima kasih unutuk segala-galanya....
    disebabkn malu utk ucap face 2 face...
    kat sini pun jadi la....
